Join me on an action-packed search for wild Teddus bears — some of the rarest, wisest, and funniest creatures still roaming the Earth. Their insights, guidance, and tools once taught me how to overcome many challenges in my childhood and later led me to Mother Nature, the ultimate mentor and healer, who is eager to help everyone become a stronger and healthier human being.
Unfortunately, when I least expected it, all of my newfound counselors and advisors disappeared from my life without a trace. Inspired by the courage of the Teddus bears, I decided to search for my missing friends on an old, rusty motorcycle. Along the way, I began writing stories about all the amazing adventures my friends and I had been through together — not just to have the world help me find them but also to motivate children everywhere to find their own paths to happiness.

It doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are, or where you come from. If you’re ready to uncover your true gifts and learn about the less obvious responsibilities we all have toward ourselves, each other, and our struggling planet, Earth, then you’re in the right place and time. Together, we’ll meet many fun beings and explore the farthest corners of the world, including the one hidden inside all of us — a very special place you simply can’t afford to miss.