A Fun Chapter Book Designed to Help Kids Thrive
MISSING is a story of friendship, courage, and discovery of the healing power of Mother Nature through her little helpers — the wild Teddus bears. They are the ones who helped me overcome many challenges in my childhood and later made me a much stronger and healthier human being. I hope that you and the children in your life will have a chance to discover their magic too, because it can bring more balance to your busy digital lives and reveal something truly special, not just about your furry friends but about some of the less obvious responsibilities we all have toward ourselves, each other, and our struggling planet, Earth.
Dear nature explorers! Our magical chapter book, crafted for curious minds aged 9 and up, is finally available for purchase! You can also join our fun email newsletter for the latest updates and to download our exclusive preview of the first chapter — ABSOLUTELY FREE.

Hope You Can Join Me.
Together, we'll journey to the enchanted Black Forest, home to gigantic blueberries and wild Teddus bears — the true ancestors of our domesticated teddies, and possibly the rarest, wisest, and funniest creatures still roaming the Earth.
Finding Your Own Guide
If you choose to unlock the magic hidden in this illustrated chapter book and end up finding your very own Teddus bear, your world will never be the same. Why? Because MISSING is much more than a fun coming-of-age adventure for young readers learning to navigate the challenges of today’s modern digital world. This heartwarming novel doubles as personal-development book that offers kids the tools to build resilience, embrace Nature’s healing power, and discover the importance of self-care and mindfulness.
MISSING fosters valuable life lessons about physical and mental health, relationships, bravery, resilience, and the beauty of seeing the world with an open heart. It also helps children realize that we are all born with incredible gifts, like imagination and the ability to connect with Mother Nature — who can open our hearts, offer new perspectives on life, and guide us on healing journeys of our own.

Made In Close Collaboration With Mother Nature.
If there’s something or someone missing in your children’s world, don’t wait. You can count on our children’s story to help you start the conversation about everything that matters in life. Plus, in the final chapter of our book, dedicated just to you, grown-ups, we’ll be sharing step-by-step instructions on how YOU can become the healer in your family. Yes, it’s not just possible, it’s easy. All you’ll have to do is stay open-minded, think like a child from time to time, and remember to have some fun — even if it’s through your children’s closest allies — their teddies and stuffies. They can take your family on many fun adventures and facilitate continued learning and healing — at home or on the go.

Tomas Kohoutek
Tomas Kohoutek is an award-winning creative director, communication guru, and teddyologist, who has spent many years serving some of the world’s hottest idea factories. But deep in his heart, Tomas is just a storytelling dad, healer, and peacemaker who finds inspiration close to home and enjoys bringing children, grown-ups, and nature closer together in a fun and creative way — through the Art of Quiet and Mindful Living, an essential survival skill he learned as a child from his friends, the wild Teddus bears.
Nature and the wild Teddus Bears have forever changed my life.
During my life, I’ve had the chance to meet many wise gurus and take notes from countless valuable books, but the knowledge I gained from Mother Nature and five of her furry friends was by far the most profound. Their insights, guidance, and tools helped me improve my physical and mental health so much that I decided to dedicate the rest of my life to learning everything there is to know about them and their powerful healing methods.

Still Missing

Still Missing

Still Missing

Still Missing

Still Missing
My Friends Are

Unfortunately, when I least expected it, this incredible team of professional counselors and personal advisors disappeared from my home without a trace. I was heartbroken.
One day, instead of shedding more tears, I started looking for my furry friends and writing stories about all the amazing adventures we’ve been through — not just to have the world help me find them but also to help children everywhere find themselves through the magical power of their own teddies and stuffies. It doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are, or where you come from. If bringing your own teddies, stuffies, or plushies to life and turning your world into a magical playground is something you could be into, then join me on this adventure.

Balancing Our Children's Busy Digital Lives.
Did you know that according to Stanford Health, each day, our children spend on average seven or more hours in front of various screens and less than ten minutes playing outdoors. (1) If children are no longer having fun in nature, then who helps them relax, heal, and balance their digital lives?
As parents, guardians, and educators, we are, without a doubt, our children’s most trusted advisors. Therefore, it is our responsibility to help them properly adapt to the ever-changing new normal, by finding some balance between the digital and physical world — ideally, through nature.
I started looking deeper into the relationship our children have with technology because, in my humble opinion, it is not just affecting their lives in an unprecedented way but it also seems to correlate with the global prevalence of mental health issues that are finally getting the attention they deserve.
I hope you can find a few minutes to read about my research on the current mental state of our children, which includes the official Advisory of the U.S. Surgeon General, who recently warned the public about the potential mental health crisis affecting children and youth everywhere. (2)
You can also make a huge difference in the lives of your children yourself, simply by teaming up with some of the best childhood counselors and advisors your children are already very familiar with. Who are these familiar creatures that provide millions of children around the world with friendship, healing, and comfort? My children’s story, Missing: The Greatest Teddy Bear Sorry In The World reveals all the secrets, which will be helpful especially if your children struggle with health, have problems at school, or don’t have any siblings.
1 Stanford Health: Top 5 benefits of children playing outside https://news.sanfordhealth.org/childrens/play-outside/
2 Protecting Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-youth-mental-health-advisory.pdf