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Mother Nature is the Best Healer In the World

Meet The Ultimate Mentor And Healer — Mother Nature. 

In Case You Haven't Met Yet. Allow Us to Introduce You to the One and Only, Mother Nature.

Did you know that Mother Nature keeps everything and everyone on our planet alive. That's right. She feeds us, shelters us, and takes care of us from the day we’re born. Her code and healing powers have been integrated into our bodies, and her wisdom has been inspiring people for centuries.


Today, even though Mother Nature can’t seem to compete with all the modern gadgets we use for fun, learning, and communication, she’s still a very important part of our lives, and meeting her — even if through our teddy bears — is something that can help us all overcome many challenges in life and turn us into stronger, wiser, and healthier human beings.

Nature Can Help Your Children Heal


How Can One Team Up With Mother Nature? 

Would you like to join me in teaming up with Mother Nature? My story will show you everything you need to get started — how to get in touch with her, align with her ways, and , tap into her “superpowers.” In return, she will not only answer your calls and prayers — she’ll also reward every effort you put into making yourself a better human being and for turning your home into a safer and healthier place for yourself and your family. She will, without a doubt, become your closest ally, sending you her healing energies and, and helping you to achieve better health, have less stress, and gain greater creativity and imagination. How would I know? It happened to me. You can read the true story from my childhood below. 

Forest Of Mother Nature

My Promise
to Mother Nature

Mother Nature | Pachamama | Grande Spirito

A long time ago, I actually met Mother Nature in person. It was an incredible experience that I described in my book to the last detail. She helped me search for answers to many confusing questions I had about life. I also promised Mother Nature that if she would heal some of the painful scars from my childhood, and help me manage my chronic stress, I would one day pay her favor forward by bringing smiles to children’s faces and sharing her wisdom with the rest of the world. 

Throughout the years, Mother Nature kept guiding, supporting, and healing me, so that I could one day fulfill my promise. And while it took me many long years of hard work, trials, and errors, one day, I was at least able to find my true self, understand my gifts better, and instead of worrying too much, focus on serving the world in my own unique way. Little by little, I started documenting all the fun adventures I experienced with my wild teddy bears. I also wrote a lot of notes from all of the conversations I had with Mother Nature. Then, after many years of learning, searching, meditating, writing and drawing, the true purpose of my life was born. I realized, that it makes me very happy to simply do something not just for myself, my family, and friends, but for everyone, regardless of their age, situation, status or background. I started sharing my gift of creativity and ability to translate Mother Nature’s wisdom with those in need of extra guidance, love, and energy. And you can do the same! You can be the light for others — s. Shining in your own unique way, and helping make the world a better place for everyone, by doing – through  whatever you enjoy doing.This is, in my humble opinion, the secret sauce to happiness, a lot of fun, and possibly the best way to live.

Now the question is: have I actually delivered on that big promise I gave to Mother Nature earlier? Well, I’ll let you be the judge of my first children’s book that somehow made it all the way to your hands. And, considering there are currently close to 130 million books in the world, I don’t believe it’s a coincidence, but rather another miracle — one  I’m very grateful for.

Wild Nature Of New Teddylandia

Who's Fine-Tunig Your Children's Stormy Minds?

In the past, parents could rely on Mother Nature for some of the balancing and healing. Children would play in nature more often, and in return, nature would fine-tune their minds and bodies like a violin — automatically and on the go. But times have changed dramatically, especially in the last few decades. Urbanization and the growing need for technology keep redefining our children’s relationship with nature, taking them into a new digital world that’s not just getting bigger and stronger every day but also becoming a part of their evolution. Therefore, there's never been a better time to start a healthy family conversation about our children's stress, struggles, worries, and help them learn something new about nature, healing, and mindfulness — some of the most important ingredients missing from our lives today. To learn about what's missing in our children's lives these days, click below.

The Healing Power Of Mother Nature
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